ABOUT IMPN2019-05-29T10:10:11+00:00

Calculated risks that maximize results!

The concept behind I’MPN – I am Partners Network. 

A company stands for a team of people with a full set of complementary skills working together to achieve a common goal and shared rewards.
A team becomes more than just a collection of people when a strong sense of mutual commitment creates synergy among its individual members.

Partners Network is a forward-thinking company who succeeds by unifying these mutual commitments from its team members, suppliers and customers, transforming them into assets.

Assets that sets the company apart from its competitors – Global expertise, international market knowledge and a vast network of people are just a few that creates the Partners Network’s Synergy.

And, looking at this unique atmosphere the “I am Partners Network” campaign was born.

The I’MPN (I Am Partners Network) concept is aimed to translate this synergy of people working together to achieve a common goal and reminding that each and everyone of us is Partners Network.

Mention the word “bucket list” to anybody and 9 times out of 10 you will heara skydive mentioned. For others, we conjure up images of adrenaline junkies, daredevil type people with a penchant for danger.

“Skydiving gives a feeling of being part of likeminded people, belonging to a team and the satisfaction of achieving goals together.”

Maxim is a smart successful lawyer with a hard-working professional background who is passionate about anything that involves a challenge and a high dosage of adrenaline.

In skydiving, he found his thrill: jumping out of an airplane at 900 meters above the ground, whilst watching the earth slowly come closer to him. As he hung under an 80 square meter parachute, he knew this was it and his passion was ignited … “this incredible feeling of free fall awakes some inner feeling deep inside us and adds fantastic colors to our life”.

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Skydiving gives a feeling of being part of likeminded people, belonging to a team and the satisfaction of achieving goals together.

In 2019, a National Head Down Record day will be organized in Ukraine. Head down is one of the most difficult skydiving techniques which requires some serious skills. Or in other words – a lot of risks! But a risk that’s calculated.

Maxim is planning to compete and fight for this record. He is very well aware of the challenges he’s going to face on his way to set this record. And this is what Maxim and Partners Network have in common. Being a forward-thinking company who succeed by taking calculated risks and performing at their highest capacity is what correlates with Maxim’s passion for skydiving.

Both Maxim and Partners Network aim to be recognized as fearless but pragmatic. Calculating risks, planning ahead and doing their best are qualities which bring companies like Partners Network and people like Maxim together.

This is why this collaboration works so good, it’s not a match made in heaven but it may reach the skies and conquer them.